12' Japanese Railway Container
分类: Conventional product  发布时间: 2015-06-16 15:53 

12' Japanese Railway Container
Name: 12' Japanese Railway Container
Model: 19D
Use And Feature:
Both sides full access or one side & rear end access.
Special paint applied on the inner roof to prevent condensation.
   Dimensions  MM  FT – IN 
External  Length (长度)  3,715 12-2 1/4
Width (宽度)  2,450 8-2 3/16
箱外  Height (高度)  2,500 8-2 25/64
Internal  Length (长度)  3,647 12-0
Width (宽度)  2,277 8-5 37/64
箱内  Height (高度)  2,257 8-4 53/64
Door Opening  Width (宽度)  3,635 11-11 5/64
开门尺寸  Height (高度)  2,187 7-2 5/64
Inside Cubic Capacity  CU.M  CU.FT 
容积  18.8 663.8
   KG  LBS 
Maximum Gross Weight  6,650 14,660
Tare Weight  1,650 3,640
Maximum Payload  5,000 11,020
Allowable Stacking Weight (1.8G)  24,480 53,969
Application Regional: Australia
Application Fields: Logistics
Contact: 联系人:吕先生邮箱:abc@VS-L.com 电话:+86-021-56848422 传真:+86-021-56848420 手机:15301657308 邮编:200940